Some of you may know that I am a huge, huge, fan of Brené Brown and have been very inspired by her work and her books. Recently I had an opportunity to take an eCourse offered by Brené and Oprah, I jumped at the chance. Not only did I feel this course would be an opportunity to improve my own life, I felt it would hone my life coaching skills too, double win! Being willing to do the difficult tasks many of my clients choose to undergo on their paths to cultivating the life they want, makes me better at understanding and offering the right support.
In the spirit of support I am excited to share a part of this eCourse around authenticity or being authentic to oneself. In my experience as a person and a life coach I have observed that much of what gets in the way of living the life we want to live, has to do with the idea of authenticity. So much of the time we act on our “shoulds” or what we think we are supposed to look like or act like. We live in a culture where we are taught to “fit in.” So we forget who we really are and stop acting in accordance with our “authentic” selves; this causes a lot of misery and is a huge obstacle in achieving our life goals.