Thank the Turkeys!

What Inspires Me

Happy post-Thanksgiving and mid-Hanukkah to all those who celebrate either or both!  It is wonderful that we have a day set aside in our calendar for giving thanks. Think about how you feel on Thanksgiving, maybe you are grateful you are with family, maybe you are grateful you are not with family, that you got to travel or you didn’t have to, grateful there are yams at the table, grateful there aren’t yams. You get the idea, there really isn’t a wrong or a right thing to be grateful about,  just think of how life seems when you are in that grateful place. Does life seem easier, harder,  or the same? My point is that when we practice  gratitude things do usually seem better. Most of us want to experience ourselves and our lives as “better,” and we can do that by cultivating gratitude, the more gratitude we cultivate the better life seems.  As Brené Brown says “Gratitude is the path to joy.”bb-download-1 I encourage you to join me on that path and start a practice of gratitude. Start simply and with small things, it truly all adds up. I am grateful for all of you and wish you the warmest beginning to the Holiday season!